Bakti Agribisnis2025-02-12T09:43:12-05:00Hariyono Journal Systems<p>Bakti Agribisnis adalah jurnal agribisnis STIPER Belitang yang merupakan wadah bagi para peneliti (dosen-dosen dan mahasiswa STIPER Belitang) dalam melaksanakan Tridarma (Penelitian, Pengajaran, dan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat), Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis telah berdiri sejak tahun 2015 dan terbit setiap 4 (empat) Bulan sekali dan mulai tahun 2018 terbit setiap 6 (enam) Bulan sekali karena keterbatasan sumber daya yang ada.</p> <p>Pada tahun 2021 Jurnal Bakti Agribisnis mengembangkan kiprahnya dengan memasuki wahana “online" dan menjadi jurnal elektronik (jurnal-el) Bakti Agribisnis. Semoga dengan Jurnal-el Bakti Agribisnis ini akan lebih eksis baik dalam karya maupun kreatifitas dalam melaksanakan TRIDARMA Perguruan Tinggi. Kami harapkan kehadiran Jurnal-el Bakti Agribisnis menambah aneka kekayaan intelektual di dunia maya yang dapat diunggah pada tautan SINTA dan Google Scholar.</p> <p>Akhirnya semoga Jurnal-el Bakti Agribisnis makin melengkapi kiprahnya STIPER Belitang dalam menjalankan program kampus merdeka dan merdeka dalam belajar yang baru dirintis STIPER Belitang.</p> Pertanian Pada Subsektor Biofarmaka Di Kabupaten OKU Timur Sumatera Selatan 2025-02-12T09:43:12-05:00Ary Eko Prastya Putraary.speed88@gmail.comAndri Irawanandri.wabaperta@gmail.comFiana<p>In optimizing the source of agricultural analysis in the biopharmaceutical sub-sector of the East OKU of South Sumatra, it is necessary to analyze the economic potential of all sectors, especially the agricultural sector which is finally able to prepare regional development planning effectively and efficiently as capital in realizing regional development. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the superior potential of plants in the biopharmaceutical subsector and plant growth in the biopharmaceutical subsector. Data were taken from 20 sub-districts in East OKU and 17 districts in South Sumatra for analysis, the data analyzed was biopharmaceutical production data. The research method used is a secondary data method available in the form of publication or databese. The results for the Location Quotient analysis showed that the types of biopharmaceutical plants classified as base plants (superior) with an LQ value of > 1 were ginger with a value of 1.86, kencur with a value of 1.28. Meanwhile, for non-base plants (not superior) with an LQ value of < 1, namely turmeric 0.35 and galangal 0.39. The results of the Shift Share analysis in the 2018-2023 period show that all types of plants in the biopharmaceutical subsector experienced poor growth which resulted in a negative value (-). For ginger plants have a value of – 255,682, kencur plants have a value of – 624,529. Turmeric plants have a value of – 29,872, and galangal plants have a value of – 83,158.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00-04:00Copyright (c) 2024 SUBSEKTOR PERIKANAN DI KABUPATEN OKU TIMUR PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN2025-02-12T04:53:24-05:00Iman Sulaimandjameel.sulaiman@gmail.comSolehananak.cucuadam913@gmail.comReza<p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) Untuk mengetahui jenis ikan unggul di OKU Timur. 2) Untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan komoditas subsektor perikanan di OKU Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil perhitungan Location Quotient pada tahun 2019-2023 jenis ikan yang teridentifikasi sebagai ikan basis (Unggulan) yaitu ikan Patin 2,86 dan ikan Bawal nilai LQ yaitu 4,74. Produksi ikan patin dan bawal di Kabupaten OKU Timur lebih seimbang dengan pembanding produksi ikan patin dan bawal di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Sedangkan untuk ikan non basis (tidak unggul) yaitu komoditas ikan nila, mas, lele dan gurame merupakan jenis komoditas ikan yang tidak unggul nilai LQ < 1 di OKU Timur. Nilai LQ 0,26 untuk ikan nila, nilai LQ 0,21 untuk ikan mas, nilai LQ 0,35 untuk ikan lele, dan nilai LQ 0,37 untuk ikan gurame. Hasil Analisis Shift Share menunjukkan bahwa produksi ikan di Kabupaten OKU Timur yang mengalami pertumbuhan yang baik (+) adalah ikan Patin yaitu sebesar 21.847,56 Ton. Kemudian ikan Nila yaitu sebesar 27.702,34 Ton, ikan Lele yaitu sebesar 1.527,18 Ton, ikan Mas yaitu sebesar 81,51 Ton. Empat ikan tersebut mempunyai pertumbuhan produksi yang baik karena menunjukan hasil yang positif. Hal ini disebabkan karena produksi pada tahun awal analisis dan tahun akhir analisis terus mengalami peningkatan. Sedangkan dua jenis ikan yaitu Gurame -2.835.18 dan Bawal -11,64 memiliki nilai negatif (-) yang artinya pertumbuhan produksi ikan nya lambat, karena ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan produksi ikan tersebut lambat (-).</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00-04:00Copyright (c) 2024 PENDAPATAN DAN KELAYAKAN USAHA PECEL LELE DI KECAMATAN BELITANG DAN MARTAPURA 2025-02-12T04:53:46-05:00Devi Murtingsihtyasmurtiningsih18@gmail.comMiftakul<p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengetahui pendapatan usaha pecel lele di Kecamatan Belitang dan Martapura. 2) mengetahui kelayakan yang didapatkan usaha pecel lele di Kecamatan Belitang dan Martapura. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata pendapatan yang diperoleh dari usaha pecel lele di Kecamatan Belitang dan Martapura sebesar Rp. 2.704.616/bulan dan Rp. 32.455.389/tahun. Usaha pecel lele secara finansial layak di kembangkan dengan memenuhi kriteria dengan nilai NPV Rp 20.529.833. IRR sebesar Rp 15,75%, Net B/C sebesar 1,24.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00-04:00Copyright (c) 2024 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Agribisnis Duku (Studi Kasus Di Desa Rasuan Madang Suku I Oku Timur) Karmilanengkarmila793@gmail.comWayan Oka<p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengetahui besarnya pendapatan agribisnis duku di Desa Rasuan Kecamatan Madang Suku I Kabupaten OKU Timur, 2) menganalisis kelayakan finansial agribisnis duku di Desa Rasuan Kecamatan Madang Suku I Kabupaten OKU Timur, 3) menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan input produksi luas lahan, pengalaman usahatani, biaya produksi serta jumlah produksi terhadap pendapatan usahatani duku di Desa Rasuan Kecamatan Madang Suku I Kabupaten OKU Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Biaya produksi usahatani duku di Desa Rasuan Kecamatan Madang Suku I Kabupaten OKU Timur dalam satu kali musim panen dengan luas lahan 1,00 Ha rata-rata adalah sebesar Rp 10.869.700, penerimaan sebesar Rp 25.440.000 dan pendapatan sebesar Rp 14.570.300. Usahatani duku di Desa Rasuan Kecamatan Madang Suku I Kabupaten OKU Timur layak (feasible) secara finansial untuk dikembangkan, hal ini dapat diketahui dari perhitungan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 31.947.414, nilai IRR adalah sebesar 14,98% dan nilai Net B/C sebesar 1,45. Penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi usahatani duku memberikan pengaruh nyata jika di uji secara bersama-sama seluruh variabel yang di uji (luas lahan, pengalaman usahatani, biaya produksi serta jumlah produksi) menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata (signifikan) terhadap pendapatan usahatani duku. Namun jika di uji secara parsial, maka maka hanya variabel jumlah produksi buah duku yang berpengaruh nyata (signifikan) terhadap pendapatan usahtani duku.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00-04:00Copyright (c) 2024 PREFERENSI KONSUMEN TERHADAP KEPUTUSANPEMBELIAN BERAS PREMIUM DI RITEL MODERN (Indomaret dan Alfamart) KECAMATAN BELITANG MADANG RAYA KABUPATEN OKU TIMUR 2025-02-12T04:54:35-05:00Aisahaisahputbel@gmail.comAnggi Fatmayatifatmayatianggi@gmail.comAngellita Saputri<p>Rice is a very important staple food in the world, including Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest rice consumption in the world, this is because rice has become a culture that cannot be separated from the Indonesian population. As a consumer product, rice depends a lot on whether many people will consume it. The more people consume rice, the higher the demand for rice. As Indonesia's population increases, demand for rice also increases. Although efforts have been made to reduce rice consumption through food diversification, the pace of development is still lower than the rate of population growth so demand for rice remains high. Modern retailers such as Indomaret and Alfamart which are found in several villages in the Belitang Madang Raya District make it easier for consumers to buy high quality rice because their presence has spread to the villages. Some are even open until 22.00 at night. The current public opinion is that people in the Belitang Madang Raya District buy quality rice from modern retailers because they already have names like Indomaret and Alfamart. This modern retail provides premium quality types of rice with various types and brands of premium rice and the arrangement of the products offered is complete, there are sales assistants providing good service, comfortable and safe facilities. The development of modern retail provides more alternatives for consumers to choose places to shop to meet their needs. This is what makes modern retail superior to others. Consumer preferences, in general, when making a purchase, will usually look at various aspects, especially the attributes of the product itself. In rice, several attributes are usually considered when buying rice, namely taste, color, size, cleanliness, aroma, price, where premium rice usually has quality that tends to be superior to all of these attributes, so it is not surprising that consumer preferences are more inclined towards premium rice compared to medium rice. However, with changes in policy regarding rice, it can indirectly cause changes in consumer behavior in purchasing rice. The objectives of this research are 1) To describe the characteristics of consumers who buy premium rice at the Modern Retail in Belitang Madang Raya District. 2) To describe the stages of the decision to purchase premium rice in modern retail in Belitang Madang Raya District. 3). To analyze consumer preferences for premium rice in modern retail in Belitang Madang Raya District. Results and discussion Characteristics of premium rice consumers in modern retail in Belitang Madang Raya District are consumers with an average age of 25 to 35 years, high school education level, 4 family members, self-employed and employees with an average income of ≥ Rp. 5,000,000. Stages of the decision process to purchase premium rice at modern retail in Belitang Madang Raya District, namely the reason for consuming it is due to health benefits and other factors such as price, easy to obtain and lifestyle. The benefit that consumers want is for their own consumption as a guarantee of guaranteed and quality nutrition. Consumers learn about premium rice from friends, family and advertisements, as well as places where purchases are made at Indomaret and Alfamart. Consumers consider buying premium rice because of the benefits of the product, and will buy other brands if premium rice runs out. Consumers buy premium rice in a planned manner, choose modern <br><br>retail because it is close to where they live, and consider the price of premium rice commensurate with the quality and benefits. Consumers are satisfied while consuming premium rice. Consumer preferences for premium rice in modern retail in Belitang Madang Raya District are that consumers like affordable rice prices, premium rice that is clean, has a fragrant aroma, rice brands that are considered important, and consumer income is ≥ IDR 2,600,000. Then, of these five factors, the respondent's income is considered more important in influencing the decision to purchase premium rice because it has an importance value of 29.295% compared to other factors such as cleanliness, price, aroma and brand of rice. Based on the Pearson's R and Kendall's tau tests, an average value of 0.9125 or 91.25% was obtained, meaning that 91.25% of consumer preferences, namely income, cleanliness, price, brand and aroma, influence the decision to purchase premium rice and the remaining 8.75% is influenced by other variables not studied such as rice shape, rice color, rice taste, durability and packaging size. Thus, both tests are at a significant level. This means that there is a real and strong correlation between the conjoint results of consumer preferences, namely income, cleanliness, price, brand and aroma, with the decision to purchase premium rice in modern retail in Belitang Madang Raya District.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00-04:00Copyright (c) 2024